May 2024Save precious hours a day on having store managers counting and recounting currency to prepare daily deposits. Smart Safe solution addresses many of the manual tasks previously performed by the manager.

Employee productivity is enhanced with a smart safe for the fact that register balances are easily reconciled reducing labor hours and focusing front line employees on serving customer needs.

A smart safe solution will secure your cash deposits and report all cash transactions from the cloud. A smart safe allows staff to make cash deposits throughout the day, which keeps the register balances at a minimum and in turn, puts into place a proven robbery deterrent and potentially reduces other service fees like courier pickup frequencies and bank deposit error charges.

A study in 2018 by the IHL Group demonstrated that cash is still the payment of choice for transactions under $25. The study also revealed that QSRs and Convenience Stores have one of the highest costs of cash handling for any retail segment at 11.4%. That means that for every cash dollar paid by a customer, you are immediately losing more than 11 cents of it.

We save you money by lowering your cost of handling cash.

Simply add up all the hours you lose in a day not having a smart safe, we are confident that it will equate to hundreds of wasted dollars a month. It is only a matter of me that you will get a smart safe, it may as well be now. Call us for a demonstration.